Champion a Project Monthly


Give monthly to the Raising Godly Children Foundation Education Fund to provide school supplies and services for students who urgently need them. Whether a child needs a laptop, after-school classes, college entrance exam materials, and/or a new uniform, giving each month can help social workers in Iran meet needs as they arise and are assessed throughout the school year.

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No goods or services were provided to you in exchange for your contribution.
Please note if Raising Godly Children Foundation collects donations in excess of what is needed for a child or program, or if we in good faith determine funds cannot be provided on behalf of a child or program, or that a child or program are otherwise ineligible, remaining funds shall be utilized to support other programs and children consistent with our nonprofit mission and applicable laws and compliance. Such determinations shall be at the discretion of Raising Godly Children Foundation.
Raising Godly Children Foundation’s child sponsorship program in Iran has transitioned from cash support to providing food packages to Iranian students and their families. This food is leveraged with cash support from Iranian sponsors, so we call this "co-sponsorship" and it is vital for the security a family needs for a child to stay in and succeed in school. The food is purchased outside of Iran and is thus at less risk of changes in sanctions on Iran. It is packaged and distributed in Iran to local grocery stores where it is picked up by student families with food cards, not cash. Raising Godly Children Foundation’s Iran child sponsorship program is in compliance with the U.S. Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) licenses for humanitarian and emergency support to vulnerable populations in Iran.